Saturn Inflatable KaBoat Fishing Expedition to Swedish Laplands with a 5-HP 2-Stroke Engine

Posted by   Boats

The journey to the Mountain Lakes in the Swedish Laplands starts with an eager outdoors man, his Saturn Inflatable KaBoat 430 and some traditional outdoor equipment. He must carry all his equipment by hand and even has to wade through rapids in areas that are to harsh. In the video you can see the man trekking through the woods with his lightweight inflatable KaBoat being held above his head. Once he makes it to an acceptable part of the river he loads his equipment and begins his journey.

The 5 hp Yamaha engine gives him super fast speeds with his narrow Saturn KaBoat to get to his first resting place. Again the man lifts the inflatable boat above his head and makes it through a patch of forest to even more intense rapids that he must walk his boat and equipment past. Then he his back on the water ripping through the currents with his narrow KaBoat and 5 hp engine.

Eventually the river opens up and the rapids disappear. The beautiful mountainous background quickly becomes apparent. It looks like a good time for the man to take a break and enjoy some well-earned fishing at his newly discovered location. Grayling is the most common type of fish in this area and the man quickly makes his first catch though he just as quickly states his preference for trout.

Once back on the water he ventures towards the gorgeous snowy mountain tops that so few get to see. He gets there quickly with his trusty KaBoat in waters that would normally hamper most dinghies.

Upon entering the next level of valley, the docile and serene setting make it the perfect place to stop and set up shop and take another short break. The man rests his equipment and sparks up a pipe to the sound of birds chirping amount and otherwise silent environment. He takes a moment to study the light shadows of some passing fluffy clouds, and then it's back on his journey.

He gives himself a soft row into the lake from the shore where he was resting. The scene of mirror like water between the mountains reaching into the heavens is just too mythical not to take notice. And with that the venturous man cranks up the engine and begins to make his splash in the untouched environment.

At the far end of the lakes a small mountainous river flows into the lakes. Again our wanderer tries his chances with fishing. And with that there is a reward that highlights his trip; an Arctic Char, the most delicious fish there is grabs the bait and in on the hook. The video action of this fish is amazing; showing the fishes colors waving like a flag as it fights to stay in the river. Our resourceful journeyman makes quick use of fire to cook his fresh catch right there on the spot.

After this is a sort of boaters siesta as the man slowly rows around his tranquil settings. Stunning view after stunning view is caught on his camera as he makes his way out of the peaceful lakes and back towards the rapids.

His journey was great and as he makes his way down the path that lead him there he must feel content with an amazing day in the natural Lapland lakes of Sweden. It's time to leave these wonderful scenes and go back. His Saturn KaBoat makes it even faster to descend down the rapids as it did to arrive. And with that there is one more exceptional day in the history of our journeyman.